Fijit Friends

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Fijit Friends are every girl’s best friend – interactive robotic toys are proving popular this week. Full of personality that talk, dance, laugh and bring a new level of innovation to playtime. Made of soft, tactile skin that enables lifelike movements, girls can poke and squeeze a Fijit Friend for fun surprises. These charecters are the new doll interactive robots seem to be here to stay. With word recognition capability, Fijit Friends can understand and respond to more than 30 verbal commands, culling from more than 150 built-in phrases and jokes.

Fijit Pink ToyFijit Purple Toy

Accessories from $7.99
Fijit Friends Figures Toys $19.99
Fijit Friends Interactive Toys $42.99

Recognises over 30 keywords and responds with over 150 phrases! She can recognise a girl’s voice and tell funny jokes. She also loves to dance with you-play any music and she grooves to the beat with her hilariously fidgety body! She is squishy soft, oh-so huggable and is eager to make you laugh out loud!