Tag Archives: Furby

Wave Furby Boom Toy

Furby Boom

The Furby returns again for Christmas 2013 and is set to again be popular with Kids with the latest Furby Boom version. Not only do you have a Furby doll who will speak Furbish and interact, it will dance to music and change its behaviour depending on how you look after it.

Zig Zag Furby BoomFurby Boom color TriangleWave Furby Boom Toy

You can not also build a Virtual Coty with the app which allows you to collect and hatch additional virtual pets, you can raise these virtual pets with your Furby Boom, and play games together using the app on your tablet or phone. continue reading>>

Furby and Furbies Original Craze

Furby was first released in 1998 by Tiger Electronics over 1.8 Million were sold in the US within a year of launch. In fact early coverage of the toy increased demand and the initial allocation was already sold before they had even been made!

This made the Christmas of 1998 problematic if you wanted to try and buy a heavily hyped toy with the extra stock restrictions. The original ticket price was $35 in despair many turned to the Internet but at that time only around a quarter of households were online and scams and auctions far exceeding the normal $35 price occurred. continue reading>>